
With patented truck geometry that creates thrust and deep rail to rail carves, yielding a carve dynamic that is remarkably similar to a surfboard, Carver trucks allow you to Surf Your Skate!

The C7 dual-axis truck set is very fluid, like riding a single fin surfboard and replicating the lateral sway you feel as you pump for speed. The dual axis allows the rider to adjust both axis independently for fine tuning. It’s a bit heavier than CX truck, but the internal spring system allows for a wide range of adjustment. The trailing arm and wide adjustment range make this truck better for faster speeds and fluid surfing. 

The CX truck is a single -axis truck with a precision pivot pin which allows for very snappy turns, like riding a thruster surfboard, and replicating the quick response you feel as you pump for speed. The single axis permits one axis of adjustment before a different shape or hardness of bushing is needed. It’s the same weight as a standard truck, but the simpler, lighter truck design is better for airs, skate parks and transition.

The C5 Truck System (C5 front, C4 rear) is shorter and narrower, lowering the center of gravity and giving it more pop. You get higher ollies and better control, while the narrower hanger and patented geometry keeps it light and maneuverable. And new for 2020 we've taken this progression to the next level with hollow axles and kingpins for the lightest and most versatile surfskate trucks in the world. This is the next generation of surfskate, blending tricks and flow into a complex, creative expression.


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